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Hon Kee Restaurant 汉记餐馆 @ Gua Musang, Kelantan

The quiet border town between Pahang and Kelantan, Gua Musang might have limited eateries to boast about but ample rivers surrounding the town provided the population there good access to river fishes such as catfish, silver catfish (ikan patin), jungle perch (ikan sebarau) and even the prestigious Empurau (usually has to be pre-book). Therefore, a few restaurant offering Chinese seafood dishes are prominent in the town despite the relatively quiet town, and folks commuting from Kota Bharu to Kuala Lumpur or vice versa tend to stop by here for a nice fixation of stomach. 

Hon Kee Restaurant 汉记餐馆 Gua Musang Kelantan

We were at Hon Kee Restaurant 汉记餐馆, a relative old restaurant in the town centre of Gua Musang. River fishes are sold here seasonally and the boss recommended us to try out the steamed Ikan Patin. Sold at RM 7.00 per 100gm, the entire dish cost us RM 49.00. The flesh of the fish was fresh and steaming it allowed us enjoy it thoroughly, though the soy sauce was a tad overwhelming for the fish part sitting on it. 

Hon Kee Restaurant 汉记餐馆 Gua Musang Kelantan

Hon Kee Restaurant 汉记餐馆 Gua Musang Kelantan

Wild boar meat seems to be common in Gua Musang as well, considering the surrounding jungle environment to the extent we saw plenty of advertisement offering services to trap wild boar. We had a ginger cooked wild boar meat and a plate of vegetables that cost us RM 22 in total. Loved the texture of the wild boar and the usage of ginger to complement its taste. 

Overall, the food here is great, given the freshness of the fish and decent pricing as Ikan Patin never come cheap. The ambiance is like any traditional Chinese eateries. Not of 3 or 5 star grades but suffice to allow us stop by for a dinner.

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Hon Kee Restaurant 汉记餐馆 Gua Musang Kelantan

Hon Kee Restaurant 汉记餐馆 Gua Musang Kelantan

Hon Kee Restaurant 汉记餐馆 Gua Musang Kelantan

Hon Kee Restaurant
33, Jalan Besar, Pekan Gua Musang, 18300 Gua Musang, Kelantan, Malaysia
Operation hours: 12 pm - 3 pm & 6.15 pm - 9 pm
Location map direction

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