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Embrace, Gift of Life and Gift of Limb - A CSR Project by Shangri-La's Resort Penang

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been integrated in the operation by Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa, Penang and its sister property, Golden Sands Resort, Penang by Shangri-La through "Embrace", Shangri-La's Care for People project. Since the projects inception in 2012, more than a million ringgit worth of aid have been contributed to the less fortunate children in Penang, Kedah and Perlis.

Embrace, Gift of Life and Gift of Limb - A CSR Project by Shangri-La's Resort Penang
All recipients for_Embrace, Gift of Life_&_Embrace, Gift of Limb" in 2017
Embrace, Gift of Life and Gift of Limb - A CSR Project by Shangri-La's Resort Penang
All recipents of_Embrace,Gift of Life_ in 2017

Both the resorts spearhead 2 different projects, namely Embrace, Gift of Life by Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa and Embrace, Gift of Limb by Golden Sands Resorts by providing urgent life-saving medical treatments and sponsoring prosthetic limbs to the needy respectively.

Embrace, Gift of Life and Gift of Limb - A CSR Project by Shangri-La's Resort Penang
Muhammad Sufyan Harith bin Abdull Rahman - a 15 month aged child born with a heart defect received sponsorship under the program "Embrace, Gift of Life" in 2017

In 2017 alone, Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa, Penang sponsored a total RM 170,840 for the heart surgeries of four babies born with congenital heart defects. Meanwhile, a total of 25 recipients aged 2 to 18 years have received RM 110,800 worth of artificial limbs via Embrace, Gift of Limb project by Golden Sands Resort, Penang.

Other CSR projects by Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts included adopting Penang Shan's Children Home and Crystal Family Home. The resorts' goals for the home's children are simply to empower them so they can integrate into society when they leave the home by giving them basic survival skills and providing internship priorities at the resorts for the home's children upon graduating from schools to help them break out from the cycle of poverty.

Besides, Shangri-La Hotel and Resorts, Penang also worked with hotel associations to provide linens to those families affected by flood in Penang recently. 

Shangri-La remains committed to operating in an economically, socially and environmentally responsible manner whilst balancing the interest of diverse stakeholders. For more information, please contact the hotel Corporate Social Responsibility department at (604) 888 8888 or visit the group's CSR section on www.shangri-la.com.

*This article is published in Penang Food & Travel magazine.

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