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The Mugshot Cafe with the best Bagel @ Chulia Street, Georgetown, Penang

One of the pioneer cafes in Penang, The Mughshot Cafe features a very simple and direct menu - drinks, bagels, muffins and yogurts, which seems to be pretty boring but do not be tricked by it. The long survival of The Mugshot Cafe amongst hundreds of cafes in the UNESCO heritage status Georgetown, which some have been disappear for good must be substantiated by certain solid evidences. Indeed, the cafe lived up to its reputation, serving one of the best bagels and homemade yogurt with various toppings in Penang, and has garnered positive remarks since its establishment. 

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street
Bacon and Egg

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street
Cream Cheese and Smoked Salmon

Most of the folks are here for their much acclaimed bagels, which is prepared fresh upon ordering. A few variants are offered, and we had a Bacon and Egg, and another one being Cream Cheese and Smoked Salmon

The Bacon and Egg Bagel is a beautiful art to look at, with the runny egg yolks surrounded by stripes of bacon, just like the flower petal opened up to unveil its stems. Saltiness from the bacon yields as a natural seasoning for the egg, making a perfect combination that will definitely tantalize your taste buds.

Cream Cheese and Smoked Salmon is a combination that never goes wrong. Smoothness of the cream cheese acts like a buffer of the flavour, enriching the natural fresh salmon taste. A few slices of greenish leaf somehow gives a crunchy texture to the soft filling of the bagel. We could go breakfast with bagels like this literally for few days continuously without feeling boring.

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

Coffee is also being heavily emphasized here. Unlike the practice of majority of cafe in Penang, the coffee here is standard double (doppio), or widely known as double shot despite its price just marginally (10%) higher than the regular cafes in the town.

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

The cafe also sells homemade original yogurt with a variety of toppings. The yogurt itself is sour in natural, and best tuned down with the toppings that it comes with. Therefore, our preference will be the Jackfruit and Gula Melaka combinations. 

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

As a matter of fact, The Mugshot Cafe is an unique place because it hosts a mini community within the same vicinity. There is an eyewear studio (Spark Optics), a dormitory, a carpenter workshop, a bakery and a cafe within the same building.

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

The Mugshot Cafe Rainforeste Bakery Bagel Penang Chulia Street

If you would like to get some pastries to savour, feel free to go to their neighbour - Rainforest Bakery which is interconnected and get some fresh pastries.

The Mugshot
302, Chulia St, Georgetown, 10200 George Town, Penang
Operation hours: 8 am - 12 am (Daily)
+6012-405 6276

Location map direction

Rainforest Bakery
300, Chulia St, Georgetown, 10200 George Town, Penang
+6012-405 6276
Operation hours: 10 am - 9 pm (Daily)

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